
Ranking by sector

Health & related activities

Healthcare set to embrace digitalisation, innovation and R&D

The health sector concerns two main branches which are medical care (clinics and laboratories) and the pharmaceutical industry (drugs and medical devices). New dynamics have appeared for both sub sectors in the wake of the second year of the pandemic.

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Ranking Company name Turnover 2021 (Rs/Million) Profit before taxation 2021 (Rs/Million) Financial year
1 Ciel Healthcare 3,562,000,000.00 432,000,000.00 30/06/2022
2 MSJ Ltd Unicorn 1,396,680,000.00 77,110,000.00 01/12/2021
3 Proximed Ltd 914,316,000.00 245,395,000.00 30/06/2021
4 Natec Medical Ltd 682,215,343.00 126,491,219.00 30/06/2021
5 Regency Pharma Limited 671,582,670.00 17,952,987.00 31/12/2021

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