
Ranking by sector

Printing & other related activities

The big players (above Rs 100 M turnover) already on the road to recovery

The printing sector and related fields, like many other sectors, are faced with the same challenge: to be a sustainable activity. The pandemic added a layer of constraints on the sector, amongst which the disruption of newspaper and magazine printing, the spike in the cost of printing consumables and freight delays.

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Ranking Company name Turnover 2021 Profit before taxation 2021 Financial year
1 Caractere Ltée 387,262,135.00 3,274,250.00 6/30/2022 (Unaudited)
2 Dakri Cartons Ltd 381,557,023.00 29,922,242.00 31/12/2021
3 Mauriflex (Flexo Printing & Packaging) Ltd 207,503,771.00 -14,249,463.00 31/12/2020
4 Performance Plastics Ltd 180,512,007.00 18,467,854.00 30/06/2020
5 Intergraph Ltée 170,293,654.00 11,653,212.00 30/06/2021
Values are are in Rs/Million.

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